Avail Almost Free Solar Panels Installation Australia With Combined Solar Rebates

Almost Free Solar Panels Installation Australia

The enormous solar panels installation cost is the biggest reasons why people avoid installing solar panels in Australia.

How about availing almost free solar power system Brisbane?

It’s true! Aussies can be eligible for a huge sum of solar rebate depending upon which part of Australia they live in. Further based on the annual family income they can also be eligible for enough rebate for the solar system to be almost free.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? In this Solar Spirit blog, we will be discussing the benefits in detail that Aussies can claim. 

2 Types of rebates for commercial and residential solar panels installation Melbourne can avail

Based on where a person is located in Australia, they can be eligible for either or both of the following rebates:

  1. Federal government solar rebate (STCs)
  2. State government solar rebates and incentives

What are STCs? How do they work?

Small scale technology certificates (STCs) are certificates allocated to Australian home and business owners installing residential and commercial solar panels on their property. These certificates are purchased by the installer (Solar Spirit) in exchange for concession in the final bill. 

STCs do not exactly count as rebates and more like discount coupons on the solar installation bills. The government does not pay for the subsidy

Energy producers across the country are required to produce renewable energy as a certain minimum percentage of their overall production. This program by the government allows energy producers to buy STCs from users. So in a way the energy producers pay for installing a part of solar panels on user’s property. And the user has the complete ownership!

How much discount can STCs claim on solar power system Melbourne?

That depends!

The number of certificates allocated to a person is based on the following factors:

  1. MW/h energy produced or displaced by the installed system. 
  2. Location of installation (the amount of sun it gets)
  3. Demand on energy in that location

So for example, In Melbourne, a user can claim 11 STCs for a 2 KW solar system for a redeemable period of 5 years. You can discuss the number of claimable certificates in your area with Solar Spirit. 

What is the amount of discount?

There are two options available. STCs can either be sold through STC clearinghouse with the help of Solar Spirit at the price of $38.55 (current price of STCs). It can also be sold in the open market for a higher or lower price depending upon the demand of STCs in the market.

In the end, after the discount, a solar system can be claimable at half or two-thirds of the price.

Are we running out of time to claim this benefit?

Yes and No.

The STC program was always planned to be damped out slowly. The value of STCs decreases each year and will keep decreasing until the year 2030 when it will become $0.

We are in the final decade of the STC scheme. But there are still ten good years to use this scheme to purchase residential and commercial solar panels Australia wide.

State government solar rebates and incentives

State governments have individual solar rebate programs to promote solar energy production. Read more about each individual program through the links below.

  1. Australian capital territory solar rebate
  2. Queensland solar rebate
  3. South Australia solar rebate
  4. Victoria solar rebate

 These solar rebates are cherry on top as they are claimable on top of the STC discount. To add more flavour to it, based on the state’s policy one might also be eligible for a 0 interest loan for solar system installations.


It is almost free to get commercial and residential solar panels installation Brisbane wide. Solar energy is the green source of energy and if done right then soon you will be making money out of it. It is a win-win situation. 

So don’t wait up! This 2021, go green!

Contact Solar Spirit today and get solar systems installed at the bare minimum cost.


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